
New Blog.

I'm moving.

I'm moving to here.


Seven Blunders of the World

1. Wealth without work

Pleasure without conscience

3. Knowledge without character

Commerce without morality

Science without humanity

Worship without sacrifice

Politics without principle


Epic Win.



10 Lessons from Drunkards.

Ah, so.

Who is this all-knowing "they" that is always saying things?
I'm not sure if I'm going to take what "they" say as a credible source of wisdom from now on.

This weekend, I realized some things.

1. Good friends are priceless treasures that you should consistently polish.
2. Sinners and vagabonds are the most embracing and accepting people I will ever meet.
a. I wish the "righteous" members of society were more like the "damned" ones.
b. There's something backwards about that.
3. I need to trust my instincts more. They do me well.
4. Confidence and arrogance are two very different things.
5. Drinking with a broken heart is similar to drinking with medication in that they both can kill you.
a. (This isn't from personal experience, but from witnessing a tortured man.)
b. You especially shouldn't do both.
6. I still hurt passionately for those close to me. Which means I do, in fact, still have a heart.
7. I'm confident that I'm a good person now. And God knows it, too. I'm not worried.
a. So you shouldn't be. There are things I find wrong about your life but I don't chastise you for it.
8. It's good to write down your feelings. That way, they don't sneak up on you.
9. Music is great, but so is silence.
10. Balance is the key to enlightenment.


The Call to Adventure.

Here are my immediate life goals.

1. Bust my ass to finish a demo by monday.
Give said demo to Justin Chavez, a good friend and previous drummer, who is currently employed in the ranks of Sony Records. His manager has asked him if he knows of any unsigned local artists, a category that easily pertains to me.

2. Make a better demo.
Give better demo to Devin Floyd, a good friend and previous bassist, who is currently interning at brushfire records. Or something to that effect. Could possibly get me listened to by the good folks at Barsuk records (which has been a dream of mine for the better part of a decade.)

3. Focus on school.
I'm getting all A's and B's right now. I only need 16 more credits before Western will disregard my terrible 1.9 highschool GPA entirely, leaving me only with my gold and shimmering A's and B's from community college. Not to mention what will inevitably be a crispy clean and emotionally (possibly even spiritually) uplifting entry essay, written by yours truly.

4. Figure out someway to get off this rock.
There are multiple study abroad programs through Pierce that are more than generously priced. For example, a quarter in London is somewhere around 3-4 gs, if memory serves. I may be speaking out of turn, but that's damn near incredulous. I would also like to go to East Asia and chill with some monks. Or maybe South America and say what's good to spider-monkeys, who the frick knows. Regardless, I need some quick cash or a phat student loan/grant/scholarship to get out of the US.

Needless to say, after my little brush with adventure this summer while embarking on my cross-country endeavors, somewhere along the way i was smitten. This fair maiden is calling me back to the wild like a siren song, and I will not be contented until her lips and mine can meet once more.


Bohemian Muppets.

Epic Win.